Tuesday 2 November 2010

Players contribute to the drama...

...in more ways than you might think.  Yes in P&Ps of course players contribute to the drama.  As I've hinted at before the art of good GMing is only telling half a story.  You need to be remarkably restrained at points and allow the players to determine the outcome, and even in some cases be open to the notion of rewriting aspects of your story, in response to what players sometimes generate themselves (though you never tell them this!  Well, not in-game of course!).

But players can contribute in other ways too.  I've mentioned previously my concept of a magic item known approximately as The Oneironautic Pendant, which creates the possibility for the player to some extent define an aspect of the game.  But John Wick presents another interesting mechanic in his previously mentioned YouTube videos on game design.

Here he talks about the notion of allowing players to determine the outcome of spectacular successes or failures.  Now I haven't had the opportunity to playtest this concept yet, and I fear that it is fraught with potential misuse, but moderated well could present for some really interesting scenes.

It has been said that Hitchcock once said of film-making, words akin to: "Movies are simply some interesting scenes strung together with dialogue."  P&P games are much the same.  But with two kinds of dialogue, that spoken by the characters, and that spoken by the players.  Its like watching a DVD with commentary on.

...in a way.

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