Thursday 11 November 2010

The 'Legion' game...

So continuing from my last post about the kidnapping scenario idea.  In the first paragraph I mentioned my 'Legion' scenario idea, and wanted to expand on that a little.  As an unorthodox scenario it necessarily has some atypical elements which need to be considered.

First up, types of daemons:

Due to the unusual nature of the game, I feel it would be most successful with smaller numbers of players.  But at least two of course. Three to four would be my preference, five or more may start getting troublesome due to the probable perceived 'downtime' of (temporarily) subjucated entities.  Although it is considered that all entities will be able to converse - with potential multiple conversations going on in one head.

So the sorts of daemons that might be fun to play in such a game are those concerned with:

Blood - This entity is attracted to and grows stronger in the presence of blood, blood-letting, drawn blood, and any situation where blood is present.  You may want them to have vampiric tendencies or capabilities.  They are also (i would suggest) immune to infections of the blood whilst dominant. So, they get bonuses to their 'control rolls' whilst in the presence of blood - from battlefields and infirmaries to paper-cuts or menstruarion.  Yes, that feisty bar-girl just might bring out the daemon in you.  If you're gamesystem or gameworld has a pre-developed daemon which fits this (or any of the other archetypes below) you may want to use it.  But I tend to make all my stuff up.  And if it works, keep it, and give it a history, and tie it into the legends of my gameworld.

Sex - This entity is probably the force behind succubi and/or incubi visitations.  Acts of lust or blatant sexuality will trigger this influence, and prime its powers of seduction.  You may also wish to go gender-specific with it.  Make the daemon a succubus or incubus, and thus have a target gender for your affections.  In my games, the base idea behind such entities is they wish to impregnate, or be impregnated, so that they may produce a half-daemon offspring whose natural world via birth is the prime material plane and thus they cannot be banished from it.  That said, I see no reason why such an entity cannot revel in 'sex in general' and thus flirt with members of the same sex either.  If you want a player to play this seductive entity I would suggest making the host a young adult - we don't condone any pre-teen perversions here!

Violence - This entity is chaotic, barbaric, psychotic and likely bezerk to boot.  It thrives - and it thus likely to manifest - in situations where violence (or at least aggression) is present.  It will endeavour to create these situations where possible, or be attracted to and found in locales exhibiting them.  So this ranges from battlefields to bar-room brawls, but also some sporting events if reflected in your world: Jousts, bareknuckle boxing / fight clubs etc... or even combat training grounds or scenes of domestic violence.

Fire - This entity seeks out and encourages the flame.  So from bonfires to episodes of arson, this pyromanic entity will thrive whenever naked flames are present.  Thus in some cases even a candle might be enough to trigger its dominance and thus control over the host.

Love - Do all daemons have to be bad?  No. It may be fun stroke interesting to throw this one into the mix.  Perhaps as the counterpoint to sex or violence.  The love daemon thrives on genuine displays of affection.  Whether romantic love; the love between siblings; or parent and child...  or you can even extend it to other forms of love like gustatory or the love of fine art.  Either way, should add an interesting dimension to what would be without it, a faily dark and negative entourage.

Mischief - Although possibly more difficult to engage with, the idea behind this entity is a creature which thrives on practical jokes and generally causing havoc.  Accidents may be a useful trigger which can then be exploited.

Death - The obvious necromantic angle, but one which would be foolish to overlook.  This beast is there to carry you over.  It thrives on the point where life ceases to be and when consciousness drifts to the other realms (depending upon you gameworld).  This entity will thrive in exposure to death, and perhaps in areas attributed to death, like graveyards, mausoleums and charnel houses.

So now we have some basis for events which may allow, certain daemons to have a chance to become dominant, and perhaps even have bonuses to their rolls for dominance.  I'd also suggest using these archetypes to trigger ideas for special abilities.  Furthermore, when a special ability is being used, or a trigger event is being witnessed and a daemon comes into dominance, this act should be visibly signified in the host somehow.  Shadows creep around the boy when then in the presence of death and the death-daemon takes hold.  The eyes go black.  Just as they do when that daemon commits murder through the boy.  The canine fangs elongate and the boy begins to drool when the blood-daemon is present at a blood-letting.  I could go on, but you get the idea.  Draw up a list of abilities, behaviours and triggers for each daemonic type.

So, how does a particular daemon exhort control over the host? Well, the way I'm thinking is a straight-forward battle of wills.  Quite simply, each 'entity' rolls the dice (I'm deliberately keeping this system-neutral in case you want to run a similar game), and the highest roll dominates.  As has been mentioned, you can add bonuses if any 'trigger events' are manifesting at the time.  You should also allow for daemons to willingly relinquish control in favour of another daemon at a particular time.  For example: the way I see this game developing is after awhile, the various 'Legion' daemons will have to start cooperating (at least for the most part) and a fairly typical party behaviour should emerge.  A constant battle for control will draw unwanted attention to the host, and in the long-run it would probably suit all parties to go unnoticed for most of the time until they can trigger some form of special event.  And to this end you need to give each daemon a specific goal - these can emerge during the game, or be present and in mind from the off.  i.e. the sex daemon's aim is to impregnate 13 women.  The death daemon's aim is to deliver 11 souls (read: kill 11 people).  And so on.  Give them objectives.

Start the game with a roll for dominance, and any time the host encounters a trigger event, give the corresponding daemon(s) a chance to take dominance.  The host passes a burning building, such a sizeable fire should give the fire daemon a bonus to take control.  The host wanders onto a battlefield, here violence and death abound, so both these daemons get a chance to take over.

I think this game has a lot of mileage in terms of creating an atmosphere of 'dubious collaboration'. And should be a lot of fun as the players attempt to develop and exploit their various triggers in search of more control in order to exact their particular agendas.

What it isn't is straight-forward.  But that should never deter anyone.

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