Tuesday 15 March 2011

Endless Sea...

I'll share this with you.  I'm fixated with this notion of a flooded world.  Like the polar icecaps melt and 90% of the land is lost underwater.  I think it'll make a great setting for a game, both p&p and computer.  I have these images in my noggin of airports flooded, patrolled by prowling sharks and of whole towns underwater, where survivors dive to reclaim drowned artefacts.  I think players swimming through submerged sitting rooms and school buses has a nice feel to it.

I feel the moisten bedrock of a scenario emerging.  We'll see where it takes us.

Just thought I'd share that with you....


  1. one of the UFO/XCOM games was set underwater - meant that the action was all 3D what with effectively being able to 'fly' albeit slowly...

    good for tactics like getting directly above your target for an ambush etc. thats one of the things few people have cottoned on to in BSG online - 'cos all the action and places of interest are in a relatively thin plane most players tend to stay in there and their tactics are pretty 2-dimensional, but space goes effectively infinitely up and down, and phil and i have had a fair bit of success going high and dive-strafing opponents. :D ftw! :D

  2. umm that should have read 3D ftw at the end there, guess i was just smiling too much..

    'your mum goes to college...'


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